when our hearts are aching, God understands.
Our world responds to the Lord's command;
we are standing in the palm of God's hand.
No problem is too large, no concern to small;
our Heavenly Father wants to have them all.
He asks that upon His name we call.
Our Lord is creator, master over all.
He knows of our endeavors, the challenges, the trials
He sees our sacrifice and self denial.
He gives us strength and helps us smile.
He carries us over the longest mile.
Things might not go as we had planned--
we might wander before the promised land,
but we have not built our house on sinking sand;
We are standing in the palm of God's hand.
"The Lord delights in the way of the man whose steps he had made firm; though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:23-24
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