Friday, November 14, 2008

Offering Prayer

During a time when I was troubled
and my heart was heavy with concern,
I wore my worry upon my face,
a half-hearted smile -- downturned.
A caring Christian acquaintance
saw the sorrow in my eyes,
and though the reason of my cares
she did not realize,
she offered a word of comfort;
she promised a word of prayer,
and I wrapped her smile around me
and found so much solace there.
I had requested prayer from others
who knew the reason why,
but I could never know who actually did
or upon whom I could rely.
However, in that one warm person
who had offered to pray for me,
without knowing what the problem was
or asking what it might be,
I found faith and confidence
and assurance of concern
and I was so thankful for her
as a more cheerful smile returned.

Although we shouldn't let our concerns burden us down, we often worry and let our problems get the best of us. God's Word tells us in many passages that we should take our cares to our Lord in prayer, and that we should lift each other up in prayer also. Sometimes we know that a friend is experiencing trials and tribulations, and yet, the person is too shy or embarrassed to request prayer and we are too shy to offer a word of concern. We might be depriving each other of a blessing! As a Christian family, we all need each other!

"Wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as also ye do" I Thes. 5:11

From October 18, 1983

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