Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Living Portrait of Jesus

I asked, "Lord, how do I begin my walk with you?"
and He led me to the river Jordan.

"I want to share You," I said, and I watched
as He walked and lived among the people.

"How can I see the needs of others?" He
introduced me to a woman by a well.

"Jesus, please teach me to pray," I pleaded, and
I noticed He had tears in His eyes as He took my hand.

"Lord," I asked, "What is compassion?" and I saw
Him embrace a lonely leper.

"How can I learn to care like that? What is grace?
What is mercy? What is love?" He told me of
His throne in Heaven. I looked at Him standing
there in the dusty road, and I began to

"Master, what must I do to have a servant's
heart?" He knelt and washed my feet.

"Oh, Lord, " I cried, "How do I get rid of this
pride? He did not answer, but willingly
left with the guards.

"How can I know the truth of Your power?"
I went to His tomb, but He wasn't there.

From August 25, 1987

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