as I came into the midst of them:
the midst of those who knew Him well.
I thought that if I could only touch
the mere garment of the man who loved so much,
I would be healed before the dusty linen fell.
I thought He wouldn't notice me,
and I reached from where He couldn't see,
but somehow He must have felt my need.
That same hour my stricken body was healed
and the emptiness within my heart was filled
as from my pain and suffering I was freed.
For He turned and looked upon my face
though many were about the place,
and He spoke with words directly to my soul.
He said for me to be comforted
and with promising words, He kindly said,
"Thy faith hath made thee whole."
-Matt. 9:20-22

Are we depending upon our own strengths, actions, and intelligence, or are we reaching out to Jesus?
From July 30, 1985
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