those of angels, as well as men--
I would just be making noise
unless I had love within.
And if I could tell the future
and know all there is to know
and had all the faith in the world,
so that just believing would make it so,
I still would be worthless without love;
even if I gave my all to the poor,
or if I sacrificed my life, without love,
I would have nothing and nothing more.

It does not envy and is not vain.
It does not act unseemly
or for its own pleasure or gain.
Love doesn't get angry easily
and doesn't have evil thoughts;
it isn't glad to see evil done.
It is glad when the truth is taught.
Love holds up under intense pressure,
believes, hopes, and endures to the end.
It never fails, unlike the prophecies
or the languages, or the knowledge of men.
For we don't know all there is to know
and can't foretell all that is to be,
but when that which is perfect has come about,
the partial will cease to be.
When I was a child, I talked like a child;
I thought and understood as a child understands,
but I put away those child-like things,
when I became a man.
For now we don't see things clearly,
but later we'll be shown;
the things I don't know right, I will know,
even as also I am known.
But now these things abide--
faith, hope, and love -- all three,
but far above the other two,
love is the greatest of these.
- 1 Corinthians 13
From September 10, 1985
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