What do you do when the Lord says, "Come," and you don't know in what direction to go?
You hold tight to his hand and have faith that the Lord will undoubtedly be sure to let you know.
You believe in His Word; you believe in His promises. You believe in the strength that He gives,
finding peace in His assurance, joy in His love, and victory in knowing that Christ lives.
When the Lord says, "Come," you don't ask "Where?" before knowing in your heart "I will go."
Be it two steps to the right or a thousand miles ahead, it's the most rewarding journey you'll ever know.
When the Lord says, "Come," it's because He has a plan, the only plan that can bring you ultimate joy,
And to say, "No, I can't," or to make up an excuse is a sure way to eventually destroy
clear communication and solid foundations on which your relationship with your Heavenly Father is built.
Instead, you'll be weighted with fear and disappointment and your heart will be filled with guilt.
When the Lord says, "Come," be like Andrew and drop your nets, be like James and John and leave your other plans behind.
Don't ask "Why?" and don't ask "How far?" Just simply and quickly make up your mind
that you want to do His will, wherever He may lead, whatever He might require once you reach your destination.
Be sure to be sincere -- don't give in to any fears,
don't take time to develop any hesitation.
God will see to your needs and bless your heart, indeed,
if you'll follow Him upon His first request.
When the Lord says, "Come," answer with a nod and God will begin to better your very best!
When the Lord says, "Come," don't run and hide like Jonah did when the Lord called him.
Because you won't have peace, and you won't have joy, and you won't find a fish that you can out-swim!
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