Do we stand in life before others,
representing what Christ stood for on earth?
Can others learn from us about Christ's life:
the miracle of His birth;
His teachings; His loving; His way of forgiving;
His death; His resurrection?
Do we seek to learn more about His Word?
Do we strive to grow toward perfection?
Are we near, to be a good counselor?
Are we near, to be a good friend?
Do we stand firm in our convictions,
faithful to the end?
Do others see in us an example
of what God would have us to be?
In each of our lives have been those we looked up to;
in them, what did we see?
Don't we pattern ourselves after those we admire?
Don't we have the strong leaders we follow?
And mixed with the joy of victory over death
is a personal sadness, a sorrow,
as a leader meet his Maker,
as a follower of Christ leaves to claim his reward,
as we lose a strong Christian pillar,
as person to whom so many looked toward.
We must ask ourselves what we've learned.
What testimony do we have to offer?
Are we living a life that stands strong, faithful, and true?
What example do we proffer?
For someone is looking to each of us
to be the example we've known.
Are our lives reflections of what we've been taught--
reflections of the example we've been shown?
"For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." John 13:15
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