I must admit, I am amazed...
although I shouldn't be.
As I see how he meets my needs and protects me from daily strife,
I must admit I am amazed...
although I shouldn't be.
For this is my Lord, who created the stars and give life to each living thing,
who gives sight to the blind, hope to the helpless, and the wren his song to sing.
He has conquered evil, triumphed over death, and gives us life everlasting.
He promises strength, mercy, and grace, and forgiveness is there for the asking.
And yet, when even the simplest of prayers is answered by my loving Lord,
I must admit, I am amazed...
although I shouldn't be.
Or when I suddenly find a comforting answer there in His Holy Word,
I must admit I am amazed...
although I shouldn't be.
For what do I expect from an almighty God who holds the whole world in His hand?
How can I wonder at the answering of prayer, when all eternity evolves as He has planned?
How can I marvel at life's little joys or be in awe of His promises, unbroken,
when God, in His wisdom, created the world with just a simple word spoken?!
Still, I, in my limited comprehension of things, am left pondering each of God's gifts.
Yes, I admit, I'm amazed
Although I shouldn't be.
And though I may slowly gain understanding, bewildered eyes I uplift,
remaining amazed
when I shouldn't be.
The Bible tells of many situations where man is amazed at the works of God. His love for us, His grace, mercy, forgiveness, and His provision for all our needs are miracles that occur every day in each of our lives. Every answered prayer is an opportunity for wonder, and every second of wonder is worth an hour of praise! How can we be amazed at the answering of a prayer, when God is in control of ALL elements of life? Perhaps amazement reflects a lack of understanding, but still, isn't it wonderful! Take a moment and be amazed-- take an hour and praise Him!
"Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness." Psalm 1 50:2
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