What do these verses tell us about mans plans and God's purposes? First, we see that they differ. Isaiah 55:8 & 9 says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than our ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." What might seem like an innocent, good idea to us can actually fall short of God's purpose. God also weighs our motives.
Verse 3 admonishes us to commit our works to the Lord so that our plans will be established. This assumes that we have considered our objectives and sought God's will concerning our goals and plans. It's difficult to hit a target we cannot see, but it's impossible to hit a target we do not have! In order to accomplish God's work, we must have goals, but they must be GOD's goals.
In Revelation, the letters to the churches commend them for their love, faith, perseverance, and reputation, but the Lord points out that they are not accomplishing His will. Are we going through the motions as we teach? worship? listen? serve? Do we have God-centered, measurable goals for our classes, groups, ministries, and lives?
What are we accomplishing? What is God accomplishing through us? What is God's purpose for me? for each of us?
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