Have you ever stood alone in the darkness of night and looked up to the stars, trying to capture the exhilaration the shepherds must have felt as a host of angels appeared to them and proclaimed glory to God when Jesus was born? Have you ever imagined what the guards must have felt as an angel appeared and rolled back the stone from Jesus' tomb? These are glorious moments in God's Word, and we can't fully appreciate them unless we use our imagination to re-create the situations and make ourselves a part of them.
During a certain few seconds of a worship service, my imagination takes over and becomes a wonderful part of my worship experience. As I hear Bible pages rustling when God's Word is about to be read, I can't help but think that it sounds like the settling of angel wings as God's kingdom prepares to worship and rejoice with us!

God has done so much for us and His works go beyond our dreams. Sometimes our imagination is an avenue for God to speak to us and make His Word more meaningful in our lives. As we read our Bibles and study God's messages, we can use our imagination to open our minds and hearts to what God would have us to know. Put yourself at the foot of the cross and see what God lays upon your heart.
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