"Economics, inflation, recession, and depression" are familiar words to all of us. I've heard that the situation is a "recession" when our neighbor gets the lay-off, but it becomes a "depression" when the lay-off hits home, and I once saw how quickly attitudes toward the future can change. The usually comfortable atmosphere I worked in suddenly became tense and full of worry when management started talking about laying off employees in each department. The "future" that everyone took for granted was suddenly one of great concern.
I wonder how many people take eternity for granted. Perhaps may do not give it any thought because they never hear the subject mentioned. Just as workers are comfortable until the security of their jobs is questioned, some people may go throughout life without considering eternity unless someone asks where they're going to spend it. Don't we discuss the future of the people we're close to? Well, what about the hereafter, when all these other things have passed away? Do we care enough to talk about it?
"But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?" I John 3:17
This verse tells us that if we have riches to share with a brother in need, God expects us to do so. If we have the love of God in our hearts, we should want to do so. The greatest treasure is salvation. Share it with someone!
From October 5, 1982
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