Spring is here, and with it comes a little spring cleaning. We put away the winter sweaters, the boots, the sleds and the heavy blankets; we bring out the shorts, the sandals, the lawn chairs, and the lawn mower. Perhaps we clean the windows, clean out a few closets and let the house air out a little after all the months of being sealed up warm and tight. As we do these things we come across items that we forgot we had and must decide whether they should be thrown away or maybe put to new use.
Spiritual revival is a lot like spring cleaning. Uf we open up our hearts to God and allow Him to clean out the corners and closets of our lives, we're amazed at all He finds there. Perhaps we have old bad habits that have become so familiar to us that we don't even see them any more. At one time we might have been concerned about them, but we've become accustomed to them and they no longer bother us. It's possible that He'll also find talents there that we haven't used in years and have forgotten. He might ask us to bring them out of the closet and put them to use again. Maybe it's just that we need to clean and polish up the capabilities that we use only occasionally now. Whatever the case, God can make a difference in our lives as we see them today. We may be a little dusty in places and a little cluttered in others, but no heart or life is beyond the miracles of God.
"Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts." James 4:8
May 1, 1984