it was wrapped so pretty and neat,
or it was spoken in words in Christmas cards
that sounded so nice and sweet.
Why does it come on just one day,
and why must it be bought?
Remember, it's not the gift you buy,
but it's the love that's in the thought.
Still, why only on the 25th,
and only the month of December,
or only on someone's birthday
if we happen to remember?
What about the other days of the year?
Why can't love be spoken then?
Why are feelings kept silent and never shown
until Christmas comes again?
Sure, Christmas celebrates the birthday of Christ
and only comes once a year,
but shouldn't we show the love every day?
Isn't that the reason Christ came here?
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son...." -John 3:16
From January 12, 1982
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