for it was his home, and he had not a pillow for his head.
My heart ached for him as I saw him there each day,
and I wondered where he came from, who he was,
and whether he knew my Lord.
But, what, me Lord?? Stop my car and talk with him?? Oh, I can't!
Now if the circumstances were different some day,
I would show my concern, talk with him, and share with him.
I was in a department store cafe one day
and was surprised to find that man sitting near, alone.
But, what, now Lord?? Here among all these people?? Well, I just can't!
Of course if it weren't so crowded another day,
I would share with him the bread of life.
I heard about that man's death the other day,
and I ached and was filled with shame.
I wish I could say I know he's with my Lord, but I can't.

We look with dismay at the priest and the Levite in the story about the good Samaritan, but how many times do we pass by those in trouble along the highway of life? Folks don't have to be lying in the ditch along the road to be considered in need of our help! How many of our co-workers, neighbors, and family members just need someone to slow down long enough to show concern for their lives? The story of the good Samaritan was told by Jesus in order to teach a man about loving others. Remember that Christ also said, "...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
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