When I see this life I'm living
is not the fruitful kind,
I step back and re-evaluate
and see what should be left behind.
Sometimes I find things for myself;
sometimes I must be shown.
Sometimes I find I don't have the strength
to change things on my own,
but my Lord knows when I'm trying --
He knows what is on my mind,
and together we can work to make
my life the fruitful kind.
Sometimes it's not what should be dropped
but what should be added in,
and sometimes I find it's the same old things
over and over again.
Like a toddler who may stumble,
but who eventually learns to run,
I find it takes some time and practice --
each step, one by one.
But slowly I'll become steady,
and although I still may fall,
I know that as I strive to grow,
my Lord watches over all.
I know that He will help me;
more and more strength I know I'll find.
Eventually, He can mold my life to be
one of the fruitful kind.
"I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in HIm, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing." John 15:5
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