Jesus said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Please forgive ME, Lord, when I act in ignorance, too.
And even more often, forgive me for what I neglect each day --
when I leave my Bible unopened, when I neglect to pray.
Please forgive me when I overlook a need
and once again for passing opportunities to plant a seed --
the opportunity to introduce someone to you.
Yes, please forgive me for what I neglect to do.
Please help me, Lord, and strengthen me each day.
Show me how to walk closer in your way.
And dear God, along with all of these,
forgive me for what I know I shouldn't do, please.
For the frowns I give instead of smiles,
when I should be more understanding in my trials.
Forgive me for impatience, for a sharp tongue,
for not wanting to admit when I was wrong.
Please forgive me for the selfish things I do,
thinking of myself instead of others, instead of you.
Please forgive me for the thoughts, and well as words.
For I know that both of them are heard.
Dear Lord, cleanse me, renew in me again a healthy spirit,
one that's free from sin.
And help me as I prepare for another day
to become stronger, to walk closer in your way.
When we pray, we need to examine ourselves, to be honest with ourselves, to understand ourselves, as we move on to help others.
Please forgive ME, Lord, when I act in ignorance, too.
And even more often, forgive me for what I neglect each day --
when I leave my Bible unopened, when I neglect to pray.
Please forgive me when I overlook a need
and once again for passing opportunities to plant a seed --
the opportunity to introduce someone to you.
Yes, please forgive me for what I neglect to do.
Please help me, Lord, and strengthen me each day.
Show me how to walk closer in your way.
And dear God, along with all of these,
forgive me for what I know I shouldn't do, please.
For the frowns I give instead of smiles,
when I should be more understanding in my trials.
Forgive me for impatience, for a sharp tongue,
for not wanting to admit when I was wrong.
Please forgive me for the selfish things I do,
thinking of myself instead of others, instead of you.
Please forgive me for the thoughts, and well as words.
For I know that both of them are heard.
Dear Lord, cleanse me, renew in me again a healthy spirit,
one that's free from sin.
And help me as I prepare for another day
to become stronger, to walk closer in your way.
When we pray, we need to examine ourselves, to be honest with ourselves, to understand ourselves, as we move on to help others.